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Personal Access Tokens

Personal Access Tokens can be used to authenticate the Ionic CLI, Appflow CLI or any third party application.

Personal Access Tokens can be created only for users and not organizations.

Create a Personal Access Token

To create a Personal Access Token, on the Appflow Dashboard, go to Personal Settings and select the "Personal Access Tokens" tab

Personal Access Token Tab

then click on "Generate new token" and specify a name.

Personal Access Token New

An expiration date can be chosen if you need the token to stop working after a specific date. If you do not specify a date, the token will never expire.

After clicking "Create token", you will see the new Personal Access Token. Copy the token and make sure you save it: you won’t be able to see it again.

Personal Access Token List with token

Delete a Personal Access Token

To delete a Personal Access Token, go to Personal Settings, select the "Personal Access Tokens" tab and click oo "Delete" button on the row of the token you want to remove.

Personal Access Token List with token